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Muslims receive a lot of media coverage in the West, so much that if there was an award for getting the most media coverage then Muslims would certainly win that award by miles. In fact, we would win it every year even without trying.
However, there is one major problem with that attention and fame: it’s all negative. The media coverage always relates to extremism or terrorism. On other occassions it’s to do with the criminal act of one random, individual Muslim where media outlets try to frame a particular criminal act as being representative of the wider Muslim community.
However, we never receive front page newspaper coverage when we do amazing charitable projects like helping the homeless or for the mountainous amount of money Muslims in Britain donate to charities every single year, especially during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
In fact, it’s a well proven fact that “Most UK news coverage of Muslims is negative” as reported by The Guardian regarding the conclusions of a major research study.
It’s therefore time to actively redress the balance, it’s time for the Western media, especially newspapers in Britain, to run in-depth, front-page newspaper articles about the amazing work Muslims are doing EVERY SINGLE DAY.
To restore equality in the mainstream Western media, we have listed five projects below that show the great work Muslims have been getting up to lately.
London, UK: volunteers for Who Is Hussain donated laptops to children from less well off backgrounds to give everyone an equal chance of remote learning during the pandemic.
South London, UK: Al-Noor Institute is arranging weekly food drives to distribute warm, nutritious and delicious meals to those in need.
Paris, France: Volunteers for Who Is Hussain distributed presents among the homeless.
England, United Kingdom: Islamic Relief UK, with the help of mosques and partners, distributed ‘2000 food packs’ in four different cities.
Chicago, USA: Volunteers for Who Is Hussain distribute winter care packages among the homeless people of Chicago.
The above list shows just five example out of thousands of other instances where Muslims have been doing amazing work. TV channels and newspapers should certainly report about these five examples because if they can broadcast and publish overwhelmingly negative stories about Muslims then they should also be willing to report on all of the awesome work that Muslim organisations are doing.

Raza Hussain is an award-winning writer: the Extra-Mile winner of the News Quest Young Reporter Scheme 2014 and the recipient of the ‘Talent for Writing’ certificate by Young Writers. He was also awarded the ‘Prize for Outstanding achievement is Sociology‘. Twitter: @M_Raza5 | Instagram: @M.Raza.H