“We want the UK back in the European Union”, says German MEP to thousands of Rejoiners in Westminster

IMAGE: Terry Reintke MEP speaking to crowds in Parliament Square, Westminster. IMAGE: Terry Reintke MEP speaking to crowds in Parliament Square, Westminster.

By: Raza Hussain

All Europe

Terry Reintke, a member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Germany, addressed thousands of rejoiners in Parliament Square, Westminster, yesterday to proclaim that “we want the UK back in the European Union”.

Terry Reintke, who has first elected as an MEP in 2014, delivered her speech at the third annual ‘National Rejoin March’, which started in Park Lane and made its way to Parliament Square for speeches by renowned public figures such as Mike Galsworthy, chair of European Movement UK; Madeleina Kay; Richard Corbett, a former MEP; Liz Webster, founder of Save British Farming; Sue Wilson MBE, chair of Bremain In Spain; Cecilia Jastrzembska, president of the Young European Movement UK; and many others.

Addressing her audience in London, Reintke also also said “the door remains open, we want you back, we miss you, we still love you”. Her remarks were met with jubilations from the thousands of people who participated in the march.

Commenting on the geopolitical upheaval across the globe, Terry Reintke MEP, who is also co-president of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, further stated that “a movement to rejoin the EU, a pro-European movement is always an anti-fascist movement. We stand up together, as Europeans, against fascists, against people who’re trying to take away democracy, rule of law, human rights. We are anti-fascists, we will resist to them”.

The MEP also spoke about the ERASMUS+ Programme, saying the the UK should rejoin it.

“It would be great for Europeans, for the people in the UK, for everyone. It’s a win-win. Push the UK government. We will push from our side for the UK to rejoin Erasmus as soon as possible”, the MEP stated.

Speaking to the crowds after the march, many attendees told me that Terry Reintke’s speech was the highlight of the march.

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By Raza Hussain | Editor of www.NewsLeaf.com | Former social media officer at Gina Miller’s True & Fair Party | Currently a Senior Advisor at a think tank and a foundation | Extra-Mile Winner of the Newsquest Young Reporter Scheme (2014) | Talent for Writing certificate by Young Writers (2015) | Travel blogger | Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Sociology (2019) | Social media PR and political communication


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