‘The Jewish Chronicle’ newspaper will observe a ’48 hour Twitter walk out’

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

By: Raza Hussain

All Europe

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Social media platforms are coming under renewed pressure because of the failure to remove hateful and racist content. The latest criticism comes from ‘The Jewish Chronicle’ newspaper in Britain and it is directly addressed to Twitter.

In a post on social media earlier today, the official account of the newspaper claimed that Twitter is not taking “serious action against Jew hate”.

“By refusing to take serious action against Jew hate, Twitter enables & promotes racism. It must get its house in order.”, posted the newspaper’s official Twitter account.

Consequently, ‘The Jewish Chronicle’ has decided to send a serious message to the social media app Twitter. They are doing this by observing a “48 hour @Twitter walk out” from tomorrow, as stated in the below tweet.

Tweet by @JewishChron

This campaign has also started to receive celebrity endorsements, including support from Robert Rinder who is a columnist and the host of the Judge Rinder show on ITV.

Tweet by @RobbieRinder

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Raza Hussain is an award-winning writer: the Extra-Mile winner of the News Quest Young Reporter Scheme 2014 and the recipient of the ‘Talent for Writing’ certificate by Young Writers. He was also awarded the ‘Prize for Outstanding achievement is Sociology‘. Twitter: @M_Raza5 | Instagram:  @M.Raza.H

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