Palestinians reject Trump’s Deal

Image by Ekaterina Vysotina from Pixabay

By: Staff Report

All World

Image by Ekaterina Vysotina from Pixabay

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Palestinians living in Gaza, the West Bank and elsewhere have overwhelmingly rejected President Donald Trump’s deal. The U.S. plan has also been dismissed by the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

In the UK, many Members of Parliament have urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to reject this deal. Palestine’s ambassador to the UK, Mr Husam Zomlot tweeted: “Letter from 133 UK MPs calling on prime minister Johnson to reject US ‘peace plan’, take action against Israeli annexation and violation of internatinal law”.

Tweet by Ambassador Husam Zomlot

Mr Husam Zomlot also appeared on a number of current affairs television shows to argue that the deal is unacceptable to his country and people.

Lisa Nandy, a contender in the Labour Party’s leadership race, also expressed her opposition to the U.S. deal. In a tweet, Lisa Nandy clearly stated that “The UK must respond robustly to this unworkable and inflammatory plan and stand with those who believe in a viable and sovereign nation state for Palestinians”.

Tweet by Lisa Nandy

Condemnation and criticism of the American President’s plan also came from other countries. In a tweet, Javad Zarif the Foreign Minister of Iran stated: “The so-called “Vision for Peace” is simply the dream project of a bankruptcy-ridden real estate developer”.

A number of Muslim countries have lined up to say that they don’t welcome President Donald Trump’s deal. Instead, they will continue to support Palestine.

Meanwhile, a number of pro-Palestine activists have also shared images depicting how Palestinian land has reduced in size while Israel continues to expand.

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