Only 2% of Brits think Brexit has gone ‘very well’

Brexit Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

By: Raza Hussain

All Europe

Only two per cent of the British population think that Brexit has gone ‘very well’, according to YouGov’s latest poll on the issue.

The results of this poll will undoubtedly come as a blow to those who advocated for Brexit, and an even bigger humiliation for the campaigners who are still arguing that Brexit is worth celebrating and sticking to.

Just an additional ten percent of the British population think that Brexit has gone ‘fairly well’, bringing the total percentage of those who hold a favourable view of Brexit to an embarrassing 12 percent.

This is in stark contrast to the 59 percent of the 3,166 respondents in this survey that hold an unfavourable view of Brexit, with 25 per cent saying that Brexit has gone ‘fairly badly’ and 34 percent survey respondents saying that Brexit has gone ‘very badly’.

Commenting on the survey results, social media users across the country have said that the only forward is to undo Brexit. European Movement UK, for instance, posted on social media that ‘there’s only one thing for it. Undo Brexit!’ This is sentiment that has been echoed by many public figures in politics and beyond.

The results of this survey will also have a huge impact on the current Parliament: do they stick to an increasingly unpopular policy, or is it time to change course? A question that will haunt Labour and Liberal Democrats Members of Parliaments as sentiments to rejoin the European Union continue to gather pace.

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By Raza Hussain | Editor of | Former social media officer at Gina Miller’s True & Fair Party | Currently a Senior Advisor at a think tank and a foundation | Extra-Mile Winner of the Newsquest Young Reporter Scheme (2014) | Talent for Writing certificate by Young Writers (2015) | Travel blogger | Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Sociology (2019) | Social media PR and political communication



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