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Times are tough, unemployment is rising, economic conditions look bad all over the world and homelessness is also on the rise.
The gap between the have’s and have-not’s is also increasing as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, a process which has been exacerbated by the lockdowns imposed as a result of the worsening pandemic.
For example, government data has revealed that unemployment has increased by nearly 700,000 in the United Kingdom alone.
However, at times like these there are more and more Muslims who are willing to help out those who are not so well off.
An example of such kindness during these difficult times comes from the volunteers for Who is Hussain? in the UK, more specifically in the city of Birmingham.
Every week on Monday volunteers for Who is Hussain? are feeding about 40 to 50 people at the “corner of Margaret St and Edmund St”, according to a social media post published on Instagram.
Pictures posted on Instagram show that they have been distributing a range of foods and drinks on Monday evenings.
These Muslims should be praised and commended for their incredible generosity as they are following the teachings of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him & his family) that “The best people are those who are the most useful to others”.
To find out more about this weekly food distribution event you can visit the Who is Hussain – Birmingham’s Instagram page by clicking here.

Raza Hussain is an award-winning writer: the Extra-Mile winner of the News Quest Young Reporter Scheme 2014 and the recipient of the ‘Talent for Writing’ certificate by Young Writers. He was also awarded the ‘Prize for Outstanding achievement is Sociology‘. Twitter: @M_Raza5 | Instagram: @M.Raza.H