More than 100 people turned out to support Daniel Aldridge, Labour candidate for Weston-super-Mare

Picture credits: Weston-super-Mare Labour Party / @WSMLabour on Twitter

By: Raza Hussain

All Europe

More that 100 people turned out to support Daniel Aldridge, the Labour Party’s candidate for Weston-super-Mare, on Wednesday.

Commenting on the huge and impressive turnout for Daniel, the Labour Party’s local office stated that “with just 2 hours’ notice, over 100 people turned out to support our excellent candidate”.

The statement from Weston-super-Mare Labour Party further highlighted that the constituency is ready for change, saying that the people of  Weston-super-Mare are “ready for change with new, energised leadership”.

Weston-super-Mare is, according to latest polling data released by UK Polling Report, a very close two-horse race between the incumbent Conservative Party’s John Penrose MP and the Labour Party’s Daniel Aldridge.

“We’ve never been so close. There’s less than 1% in the latest poll between Labour & Tories”, said Mr Daniel Aldridge on social media in respone to the latest polling figures.

Constituents have said that they are excited for the General Election, so that they can vote for Daniel Aldridge.


By Raza Hussain | Editor of | Extra-Mile Winner of the Newsquest Young Reporter Scheme (2014) | Talent for Writing certificate by Young Writers (2015) | Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Sociology (2019) | Social media officer for a political party in London | Social media PR and political communication | Travel blogger



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