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Justin Bieber, the world-renowned Canadian singer, will release a new album on 14 February, Valentine’s Day. The soon to be released album is called Changes.
In a tweet on 27 January, Justin Bieber stated: “My new album #Changes out Feb 14″. The singer also announced an upcoming tour.
In response to his tweet, many people reacted with delight and happiness. Many of his fans tweeted that they simply can’t wait and that their Valentine’s Day will be a lot more joyful with the release of the new album.
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Others also reacted jubilantly to Justin Bieber’s upcoming tour, stating that it will be great to see their idol in person. Many of his loyal fans have urged Justin Bieber to also announce tour dates for Europe.
Meanwhile, Ellen DeGeneres also posted about the upcoming album on Twitter. In a social media post, Ellen DeGeneres tweeted: “@JustinBieber accidentally gave me the release date for his new album”.
Earlier this month, the famous singer also released a single named Yummy, which gained lots of praise from fans all over the world.
The new album and the tour means that Justin Bieber will have very busy – and, hopefully successful – months ahead of him.

Muhammed Raza Hussain is an award-winning writer: the Extra-Mile winner of the News Quest Young Reporter Scheme 2014 and the recipient of the ‘Talent for Writing’ certificate by Young Writers. Twitter @MuhammedRaza786 | Instagram: @M.Raza.H_