A legendary actor with decades of experience in TV dramas, an excellent producer, a host of uplifting morning shows and entertaining game shows: these are just some of the uniquely amazing and awesome accomplishments that define Mr. Faysal Quraishi, a legendary Pakistan actor followed by millions of people on social media.
The aforementioned facts are just some of the reasons why I wanted to interview Faysal Quraishi. An interview that I absolutely loved doing, as you can watch below directly via YouTube:
During the lively 40 minute interview via Instagram Live, we spoke about many topics – including his current dramas such as ‘Muqadaar‘, ‘Gustakh‘ and ‘Log Kia Kehenge‘.
We also conversed whether he plans to do morning shows again in the near future, given the fact that his morning shows were incredibly popular not just in Pakistan, but also among the Pakistani diaspora in the West and elsewhere.
In the interview, I also asked the highly experienced actor about what sort of support the local industry needs from the state in terms of promoting Pakistani dramas in other languages such Turkish and Russian.
Another pressing topic we touched on was about some of the challenges the country’s drama and film industry is facing amidst the coronavirus pandemic as well as how the entertainment industry is handling this challenge and what is being done to keep actors, actresses and crews safe on sets.
Also read:
- INTERVIEW: ‘I Wonder If Politicians Can Ever Be Themselves In The Age Of Television And Social Media’
- Interview With Ali Rehman Malik: Evacuating Afghanistan’s Women Athletes
- The Years Play Is A Must-See
By Raza Hussain | Recently featured in The Telegraph, SKY News, The i Paper and POLITICO Europe | Editor of www.NewsLeaf.com | Currently a Senior Advisor at a think tank and a foundation | Former social media officer at Gina Miller’s True & Fair Party | Extra-Mile Winner of the Newsquest Young Reporter Scheme (2014) | Talent for Writing certificate by Young Writers (2015) | Travel blogger | Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Sociology (2019) | Social media PR and political communication