Increasing support for Oliver Ryan, Labour’s candidate for Burnley

Image credits: @OliverRyanUK on Twitter / Image source: @OliverRyanUK

By: Raza Hussain

All Europe

More and more people are supporting Oliver Ryan, the Labour Party’s candidate for Burnley, to be the next Member of Parliament after July’s General Election.

The constituency of Burnley was created in 1868 and was firmly in Labour’s hands from 1945 to 2010, with Conservatives winning the seat in 2019, for the first time since 1910. Antony Higginbotham  won it for the Conservatives with 1,352 votes separating him and the Labour Party’s candidate.

In 31 days’ time, Oliver Ryan is hoping to win back the constituency for Labour and given the small majority with which the Conservatives won it in 2019, it seems increasingly likely that he will be successful in turning Burnley red again.

The winning momentum is on Oliver Ryan’s side as more than 100 garden stakes are now up across Burnley, Padiham & Brierfield – highlighting the public’s appetite for change and Labour’s vision for Britain.

Speaking about his vision for a better Burnley and better Britain, Oliver, on his General Election campaign website states that “I fundamentally believe every young person deserves the chance to thrive, and reach their full potential. A baby born in Burnley deserves the same chances as a baby born in Belgravia or Bristol or Birmingham and the Tories don’t get that.”

The positive sentiment towards Oliver Ryan and the Labour Party is also highlighted in the prediction by Electoral Calculus for the constituency, stating that Labour is predicted to win Burnley next month with the likelihood of Labour winning being at 94%.

Residents in the local area have also expressed their desire for change and for Labour’s positive vision for Britain, saying that they are excited to vote for Oliver next month so that he can truly represent them in Westminster Parliament.


By Raza Hussain | Editor of | Extra-Mile Winner of the Newsquest Young Reporter Scheme (2014) | Talent for Writing certificate by Young Writers (2015) | Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Sociology (2019) | Social media officer for a political party in London | Social media PR and political communication | Travel blogger

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