Happy 30th Birthday to The Simpsons!

By: Staff Report

All Thought, Culture & Travel USA

Picture Credits: Pixabay


The Simpsons cartoon is celebrating its thirtieth birthday today. The first episode of The Simpsons was broadcast on December 17, 1989.

During these thirty years it has broadcast 672 episodes, a movie and a number of video games have also been modelled on the cartoon series.

The cartoon has acclaimed plenty of praise for keeking multiple generations engaged with its series and for its apparent ability to predict the future.

Many fans took to Twitter to praise The Simpsons on its thirtieth anniversary day. One twitter user wrote “happy birthday to the show that constantly reminds us of the daily struggles of life”. He also called The Simpsons “the greatest tv show of all time” and many fellow social media users agreed.

Meanwhile, another twitter user wrote that The Simpsons “show was literally my childhood”.

Other fans were celebrating the cartoon’s thirtieth anniversary by listing their favourite episodes and how the show has helped them cope with life.

We, at NewsLeaf.com, are looking forward to another thirty years of The Simpsons because of its positive impact, its ability to entertain people of all ages and most importantly because the series’ confident nature of predicting the future.

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