We cannot allow our Theatres to die

*Support NewsLeaf.com from as little as £1 via PayPal by clicking here. On a radio show with Andrew Bridgen and some other shouty Brexiters just before Christmas, I found all I could think about was a line from Julius Caesar. “Oh judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts. And men have lost their reason.” I knew […]

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Majority of Public wants Brexit transition period to be extended, according to poll

Image by Elionas2 from Pixabay ____________________________________________________________________________ *Support NewsLeaf.com from as little as £1 via PayPal by clicking here. In direct contrast with government ministers, a great majority of the British public wants the Brexit transition period to be extended. The Brexit transition period is currently due to end on 31 December of this year. However, the effort and […]

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